Venerato, the village of lords

Venerato, the village of lords

Venerato is located about 19 km from Heraklion and is built on the western slope of a small gorge, opposite the historic Monastery of Paliani.

The village has a long history, and its name was given by the Venetians. Many Venetians lords of Candia chose this main village, which is fortified by the natural landscape and surrounded by fertile land, to build their houses and spend their summers.

From the entrance of the settlement one can see the beautiful stone-built country houses with the unique Venetian coats of arms that dominate the entrances. Most of the houses in the village were built in the late 19th century and are an excellent example of local architecture. The old buildings were restored in a way that respects the history, tradition, and architectural heritage of the place. Jasmine, bougainvillea, and geraniums add color to the stone alleys. Walk around the village, drink raki in the cafes and enjoy the Cretan hospitality.

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